Hoping to Help Raise Awareness for Social Change...One Cause at a Time!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dare to Care

Sometimes in life we're lucky enough to come across truly amazing people.

Helen Downie, is one of those people.

She's an executive member of STAND (Students Taking A Stand for Darfur)
and Amnesty Concordia,
but she's also a bright and spirited young woman,
who wears her heart on her sleeve.
And worse of all,
She makes it seem so easy.

I was fortunate enough to be able to interview her.
And am thanking her again for the opportunity.

If your feeling like you need a little motivation to make the world a better place,
this video should set you straight.

Download the interview

Or for a sneakpeak,
Helen's pitch for STAND Canada's:

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