Hoping to Help Raise Awareness for Social Change...One Cause at a Time!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Humanitarian Intervention

I can gladly say that I get a fair share of my information from the radio.
I like leaving it on scan and randomly picking up whatever strikes my fancy.
Call me a sucker for diversity.
It's true.

Yesterday morning I fell upon an interview on CBC Radio 1
with Dr. W. Andy Knight, who is a professor of Political Science
and International Relations at the University of Alberta.
Check out his website!

Unfortunately, the interview isn't as of yet available on CBC's webpage,
I'm waiting on them for a link.

What was important about Mr. Knight's message is that he addressed the United Nations' "Responsibility to Protect" Mandate. Explaining in some detail that it would give the UN the right to intervene in circumstances where national governments fail to provide sufficient security to their civil populations.

This is what was missing in 1994 when Rwanda was on the brink of disaster.
Support for this legislation would enable the UN to pressure the Bashir government in Sudan to give further support to the suffering regions in Darfur.

In the mean time,
here is an article by Kurt Jonassohn on Covering Conflict in the 21st Century. It addresses some of the concerns contemporary media has in keeping an independent line during coverage and how editorial lines are increasingly submitted to corporate interests before making the cut.

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