There was an excellent
cover story in La Presse this morning, by Stéphanie Bérubé on World Famine.
The rapidly escalating global food crisis has reached emergency proportions.
It is threatening to draw back at least seven years of progress in the fight against poverty. According to the
U.N. World Food Program, 30 countries are presently experiencing accute food shortages, 18 of which are situated on the African Continent.
The price of wheat, milk and meat have doubled within the last year. And rice, coffee and soya are at a ten year high.
If we look at the figures, meat consumption requires at least 6 kilos of cereals for one kilo of meat. That's costly. At this point we are consuming more than we are able to produce. According to Paul Roberts, we could reduce 20-30% of our meat consumption without affecting our protein intake.
Meanwhile a billion human beings live on a dollar a day. And on that income, when prices explode, disaster can be expected. The U.N. will need to amass half a million in funds before the end of the month, without which some aid missions will have to be abandonned and the hungry, left to their own devices...
Protests erupted last week in Haiti over rising prices.
In Pakistan, police now have to escort shipments of food to commercial venues.
In Somalia, inflation has raised to 100 000% this past year and 80% of the population lives under the poverty index, the state of famine is on it's fifth year.
We'll all have to make some changes. Because eating the way we do today will no longer be possible.In Canada if you eat less and exercise more.
Cances are you'll live longer.
Longer than some, at least.
For further reading:
"Who will Feed China?" by Lester Brown